Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки
Вінницького національного технічного університету

Z63          Zianko, V. V.
    Financial provision of small business innovative development [Текст] : monograph / V. V. Zianko, D. Xinying, L. O. Nikiforova ; VNTU. – Vinnytsia : VNTU, 2020. – 232 c. – 117,75 uah, 40 пр.

   The monograph examines theoretical, methodological and practical principles of financial support for innovative development of small business. The essence of the of financial support mechanism of small business innovative development is revealed, the features of its operation in Ukraine are revealed. Macroeconomic trends of small business innovation development in China and Ukraine and its dependence on financial support are analyzed. Based on the experience of small business support in China, prospective ways and specific ways of improving domestic small business innovative development financial support are determined. It is elaborated for scientists, specialists in innovation and entrepreneurship, politicians, entrepreneurs.

ISBN 978-966-641-813-8  УДК 658.14:334.72:330.341.1(477+510)=111


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301 - від. книгозберігання 1 1
703 - абон. наук. літ. 1 1

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