Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки
Вінницького національного технічного університету

          Підготовка вакуумної гарячої прокатки плакованої пластини з нержавіючої сталі та її чисельне моделювання [Електронний ресурс] = Vacuum Hot Rolling Preparation of a Stainless Steel Clad Plate and Its Numerical Simulation / H. R. Jin, R. Wei, Y. H. Wang [et al.]
    // Проблеми міцності. – 2022. – № 1. – С. 144-153 . – DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11223-022-00388-1.

   Vacuum hot rolling was used to prepare stainless steel clad plate samples. As a key process parameter, force analysis of the compound deformation process was conducted for the stainless steel clad plate samples. The hot rolling deformation area was subdivided into intervals I, II and III, and the force equilibrium equations of each interval were established with the slab method. A mathematical model for the calculation of rolling force was derived. 2205/NI/EH40 clad plate samples were prepared according to the technical parameter of vacuum hot rolling, which was calculated with the modeling system. Based on the mathematical model, the effects of rolling speed, friction coefficient, composite ratio, base thickness, and other rolling parameters on rolling force were simulated. The results show that: as the rolling speed, external friction and the thickness of the cladding increased, rolling force increased. However, the rolling force decreases with the increase of base thickness. By comparing and analyzing the results of the rolling experiment and rolling simulation, it could be found that the errors between the two was within 5.5%, which verified the validity of the finite element model.

  УДК 539.4


Є складовою частиною документа Проблеми міцності [Текст] = Проблемы прочности : міжнародний науково-технічний журнал. – 2022. – № 1. – до 2018 року журнал виходив на рос. мові.

Теми документа

Статистика використання: Завантажень: 21

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система