Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки
Вінницького національного технічного університету

C51          Chernousko, F. L.
    Evolution of Motions of a Rigid Body About its Center of Mass [Електронний ресурс] / F. L. Chernousko, L. D. Akulenko, D. D. Leshchenko. – Electronic text data. – Cham : Springer, 2017.

   The book presents a unified and well-developed approach to the dynamics of angular motions of rigid bodies subjected to perturbation torques of different physical nature. It contains both the basic foundations of the rigid body dynamics and of the asymptotic method of averaging. The rigorous approach based on the averaging procedure is applicable to bodies with arbitrary ellopsoids of inertia. Action of various perturbation torques, both external (gravitational, aerodynamical, solar pressure) and internal (due to viscous fluid in tanks, elastic and visco-elastic properties of a body) is considered in detail.

ISBN 978-3-319-53928-7  УДК 531.36

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