Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки
Вінницького національного технічного університету

E50          Emergent Computation [Електронний ресурс] : A Festschrift for Selim G. Akl / Editors A. Adamatzky. – Electronic text data. – Cham : Springer, 2017. – (Emergence, Complexity and Computation).

   This book is dedicated to Professor Selim G. Akl to honour his groundbreaking research achievements in computer science over four decades. The book is an intellectually stimulating excursion into emergent computing paradigms, architectures and implementations. World top experts in computer science, engineering and mathematics overview exciting and intriguing topics of musical rhythms generation algorithms, analyse the computational power of random walks, dispelling a myth of computational universality, computability and complexity at the microscopic level of synchronous computation, descriptional complexity of error detection, quantum cryptography.

ISBN 978-3-319-46376-6  УДК 004+519.712

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