Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки
Вінницького національного технічного університету

          Mshvidobadze, T.
    Computer assisted intervention (CAI) specific interfaces [Текст] / T. Mshvidobadze
    // Proceedings Of the XII International Scientific-Practical Conference Internet-Education-Science - 2020, 26-29 May 2020 : dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of the Computer Science Department / Vinnytsia national technical university, Baku state university, Technical university Varna. – Vinnitsia : VNTU, 2020. – P. 154-156.

   In this paper is shown development of open source software for computer assisted intervention systems. Software libraries are written in C++, but are also accessible from Python, which provides a convenient environment for rapid prototyping and interactive testing. The real-time support includes a device interface and a task library. This paper describes a set of libraries, the Cisst libraries, developed at the Johns Hopkins University to address some of the problems encountered when integrating devices for CAI.



Є складовою частиною документа "Internet-Education-Scince - 2020", international scientific-practical conference (12 ; 2020 ; Vinnytsia). Proceedings Of the XII International Scientific-Practical Conference Internet-Education-Science - 2020, 26-29 May 2020 [Текст] : dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of the Computer Science Department / "Internet-Education-Scince - 2020", international scientific-practical conference (12 ; 2020 ; Vinnytsia) ; Vinnytsia national technical university, Baku state university, Technical university Varna. – Vinnitsia : VNTU, 2020. – 310 p. – ISBN 978-966-641-797-1 : 91,00 грн.

Теми документа

Український Фондовий Дім Інформаційно-пошукова система