Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки
Вінницького національного технічного університету

G64          Goodwin, G. C.
    A Doctorate and Beyond [Електронний ресурс] : Building a Career in Engineering and the Physical Sciences / Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe. – Electronic text data. – Cham : Springer, 2017.

   A book that takes you through and beyond your doctoral studies. It will be a valuable reference throughout your working life. Drawing on their own extensive experience, the authors pass on invaluable advice by answering such questions as: Do I want to do a doctorate? How should I choose which doctorate and where to study? How do I achieve my doctorate? What career opportunities exist once I’ve completed my doctorate? What is the role of networking, leadership and reputation in building my career? How do I go about mentoring the next generation? What do I do when things don’t go to plan? This practical guide helps you to determine your best answer to all these questions and more.

ISBN 978-3-319-45877-9  УДК 378.22

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