Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки
Вінницького національного технічного університету

M65          Micro and Nano Fabrication Technology [Електронний ресурс] / edit. Jiwang Yan. – Electronic text data. – Springer, 2018.

   Smaller is better. Small things can save space, reduce weight and material/energy consumption, and improve portability and ease of system integration. For a long time, researchers and engineers have been attempting to make things as small as possible. Today, new fabrication technologies have already enabled the generation of 2D and 3D structures and devices on the micrometer, submicrometer, and even down to nanometer ranges. This represents a triumph for modern science and technology. Despite various revolutionary changes in the past decades that significantly advanced micro/nanofabrication technology, we still face new problems and new tasks to create new products with higher precision and quality. Thus, understanding the fundamentals and mastering the status of micro/nanofabrication technology has become crucial for engineers and researchers working in this area. This volume focuses on the state-of-the-art micro and nano fabrication technologies for creating miniature structures with high precision. These multidisciplinary technologies include mechanical, electrical, optical, physical, and chemical methods, as well as hybrid processes, covering subtractive and additive material manufacturing, as well as net-shape manufacturing. The materials the volume deals with include metals, alloys, semiconductors, polymers, crystals, glass, ceramics, composites, and nanomaterials. The targeted products include micro/nanomachines, sensors, optics, electromechanical systems, fluidics, biomedical parts, and energy storage devices.

ISBN 978-981-13-0098-1  УДК 621.382.049.77(075.8)

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